In cases of accidental deletion, immediate action can result in a clean recovery.
From the menu, select “Data Recovery: Logical Analysis Advanced Data Recovery” under “Complete & Detailed Scan Settings.” Then, choose the target drive from the list and click on “Detailed Scan,” which is option number 2.
メニューの「完全・詳細スキャン設定」より「データ復旧:論理解析 アドバンストデータ復旧」を選択いたします。それから対象ドライブをリストからご選択後、2番の「詳細スキャン」をクリックいたします。

In the FS Editor that opens, select “Prioritize Deletions.”

Once the settings are complete, right-click on the rescue target area and select “Analyze Directory Structure.”

Wait until the process is complete. It usually takes about 5 minutes. However, if the condition of the drive is not optimal, it may take up to 30 minutes.

The “Delete” folder will neatly contain all the files and folders lost due to accidental deletion. Check the “Delete” folder and proceed to the next step.

Finally, restore. You will write out the selected files using “File Restoration.”