Today, let’s take a look at “sorascan,” which allows us to view AI-NFTs transactions

Today, let’s take a look at “sorascan,” which allows us to view AI-NFTs transactions.

Let’s dive into the fusion of #AI and #blockchain all at once!

AI-NFTs deployed on the SORA L2 Blockchain have all transactions made public, and anyone can view them on sorascan. That is what today’s image shows.

You just need to enter the AI-NFT’s contract address in the field at the top and click the Search button. It is also possible to search using a third party’s contract address since all transactions are public. Below the Search button, there is a “Get my address” button, which automatically fills in your contract address. If you want to view all of your transactions, simply use this button to enter your contract address.

Furthermore, you can own any number of AI-NFTs by yourself. In today’s image, the balances of two AI-NFTs are already displayed.

The contract addresses are generated from quantum-resistant keys linked to the SORA integrated wallet. Since each SORA integrated wallet is assigned a single quantum-resistant key, SORA L2 has adopted a management style where a single wallet can simultaneously manage numerous AI-NFTs. This approach makes management more consistent and easier to understand.