When utilizing features such as SORA-QAI encrypted communication, the necessary network fees are taken from the ECDSA side. The reason for this is that if fees were charged on the quantum AI-resistant side for utilizing these features, it would be disadvantageous if the fees needed to be deducted from a different balance, requiring the inclusion of that transaction. By deducting all fees from the ECDSA side, this issue is entirely resolved.
Now, consider the situation where all SORA is stored on the quantum AI-resistant side instead of the ECDSA side. In this case, there would be no balance on the ECDSA side, rendering features such as SORA-QAI encrypted communication unusable. To solve this problem, we have implemented a feature that allows for a transaction to be made with the press of a button, transferring 10 SORA from the quantum AI-resistant side to the ECDSA side.