English chapter16, prevector There was an interesting vector (prevector). All the operators are overloaded so that they can be used like "std :: vect... 2020.01.31 EnglishSORA Neural Network
English chapter15, Electronic Vehicle by Blockchain? ASIA BLOCKCHAIN:In the epoch of blockchain, not only payment but also various expenses processing, it seems that complic... 2020.01.30 EnglishSORA Neural Network
AI-NFT Web3.0 FromHDDtoSSD 復旧不定期日誌362, gmailをご利用のお客様へ ◇ 2020年2月3日(月)、正常な送受信を確認いたしました。◇ 2020年2月7日(金)、 DMARCをDNSに追加いたしました。これで、正常に戻ると思います。最近、自動ご案内メールを含む全般で、gmailの未着が多くなっております。*y... 2020.01.29 AI-NFT Web3.0 FromHDDtoSSDAIデータ復旧サービスについてBLOCKCHAINEnglishWeb3.0 AIデータ復旧データ復旧ソフト - FromHDDtoSSD
English chapter14, At the point of notification, a transaction ID is issued. At the point of notification, a transaction ID is issued. And, there are many scams in the community etc. as follows."He... 2020.01.29 EnglishSORA Neural Network
English chapter13, Buffer policy SorachanCoin project has decided to use "std :: vector" for buffer processing.A daemon that only processes nodes does no... 2020.01.28 EnglishSORA Neural Network
English chapter12, Is the buffer a stack or a vector? If you can use memory management by object, you may have to consider about using a stack or a vector for buffers used on... 2020.01.27 EnglishSORA Neural Network
English chapter11, Isn’t optimization needed anywhere? With recent compilers, the optimizations are terrific, so it may be best to let the compiler do it without having to do ... 2020.01.26 EnglishSORA Neural Network
English chapter10, “malloc” and “free” control "Placement new" can control calls to "malloc" and "free". But, code directly calls "malloc" and "free" from itself may c... 2020.01.25 EnglishSORA Neural Network
English chapter9, OpenSSL multi-threading support This code stores all objects in the memory allocated by "OPELSSL_malloc". However, as of now, "OPENSSL_malloc" is equiva... 2020.01.24 EnglishSORA Neural Network
English chapter8, Placement new There is a grammar, "placement new", that creates an instance on an already allocated memory address.However, not all th... 2020.01.23 EnglishSORA Neural Network
English chapter7, Before the search, existing informations are removed and starting position is exchanged any one This is a common technique we used when building the data recovery logic. In data recovery, there is a long process to f... 2020.01.22 EnglishSORA Neural Network
English chapter6, Faster with code optimization In the last ten years, the grammar has changed and it has become faster. Before, I used many references for speeding up,... 2020.01.21 EnglishSORA Neural Network
AI-NFT Web3.0 FromHDDtoSSD 復旧不定期日誌361, クリーンルーム作業と梱包作業以外は、すべてAI(人工知能)に移行いたしました 四年前から進めておりました、より安全な作業への移行を完了いたしました。連続した作業が三十時間を超えてくるデータ復旧に、抜群の効果を発揮いたします。 2020.01.20 AI-NFT Web3.0 FromHDDtoSSDAIデータ復旧サービスについてWeb3.0 AIデータ復旧データ復旧ソフト - FromHDDtoSSD
English chapter5, About DRIVE_IDENTIFY_INFO The drive management information has a fixed value and a variable value. When managing these, they have separate structu... 2020.01.20 EnglishSORA Neural Network
English chapter4, Data structure [DRIVE_IDENTIFY_INFO] This is one of the structures that store the getting drive information. 2020.01.19 EnglishSORA Neural Network