
AI-NFT Web3.0 FromHDDtoSSD

chapter291, [SORA][SORA Network] We implemented Drive benchmark feature to SorachanCoin wallet! ドライブのベンチマーク機能を実装いたしました!

Hello friends!!いつもお世話になっております。 As the first step in failure prediction using blockchainwe released to build the drive be...
AI-NFT Web3.0 FromHDDtoSSD

chapter290, [SORA][SORA Network] We implemented a window to during shutdown.

We implemented a window to during shutdown. While this window is displayed, the blockchain is during process to database...
AI-NFT Web3.0 FromHDDtoSSD

復旧不定期日誌376, データ復旧サービス 実施場所について[2021年1月29日より]

コロナ感染症が落ち着くまで、以下の二ヵ所をメインの拠点に変更いたしました。※ご発送先に関しましては、お申し込みいただいた際にご案内いたします。 川口:〒333-0806 埼玉県川口市戸塚境町7-3 本庄:〒367-0007 埼玉県本庄市上仁...
AI-NFT Web3.0 FromHDDtoSSD

chapter289, [SORA] Thanks, TRBO Coin!

We are looking forward to development !! TRBO Coin: SorachanCoin: Tec documents etc ...
AI-NFT Web3.0 FromHDDtoSSD

chapter288, [SORA][SORA Network] v2.9.10 released.

We released the latest wallt in v2.9.10.It has been fixed some parts. thanks. Then, finally the wallet will implement to...
AI-NFT Web3.0 FromHDDtoSSD

chapter287, [M.2 SSD] About recently Western Digital ‘s “M.2 SSD”.

hello friends ! About recently Western Digital 's "M.2 SSD".you may need to be careful. Because ... there are some cases...
AI-NFT Web3.0 FromHDDtoSSD

chapter286, [SORA][SORA Network] チェーンへの文字情報の書き込みについては、wchar_t(UTF-16)を採用いたします。

いつもお世話になっております。 そろそろ、ブロックチェーンに、任意のデータ書き込みを始めていく見込みです。ところが、この書き込みには「厳しめなサイズ制限」があります。なぜなら、ネットワークへの負担を軽減するため、大きいサイズには、それなりの...
AI-NFT Web3.0 FromHDDtoSSD

chapter285, [SORA][SORA Prediction system] implement string class.

It's finally time to control the drives.Therefore, we use Windows API a lot (about Windows version), but Windows uses wc...
AI-NFT Web3.0 FromHDDtoSSD

chapter284, [SORA][SORA Prediction system] The Benchmark a drive feature will be implemented soon.

The Benchmark a drive feature will be implemented soon.As a starting point, we would like to consider to launch up with ...
AI-NFT Web3.0 FromHDDtoSSD

chapter283, [SORA][SORA Prediction system] We finally implement the drive-related code.

We finally implement the drive-related code.If you start normally, it will start as a normal wallet,then if you start it...
AI-NFT Web3.0 FromHDDtoSSD

chapter282, [SORA][SORA Network] We will implement vote to blockchain in a drives benchmark.

We will implement vote to blockchain in a drives benchmark.Because, we will implement a drives benchmark to verify the v...
AI-NFT Web3.0 FromHDDtoSSD

chapter281, [SORA][SORA Network] We have released v2.5.10 and v2.6.10(Beta version)!!

Today, we have released the v2.5.10 and v2.6.10.The v2.5.10 was supported to replace peers.dat in old.The v2.6.10 was su...
AI-NFT Web3.0 FromHDDtoSSD

chapter280, [SORA][SORA Network] We have improvemented peers.dat

We have improvemented "peers.dat".
AI-NFT Web3.0 FromHDDtoSSD

chapter279, [SORA][SORA Network] We have released the latest Wallet in Windows version (v2.4.10).

We have released the latest Wallet in Windows version (v2.4.10). We have implemented with hybrid(libsecp256k1 or OpenSSL...
AI-NFT Web3.0 FromHDDtoSSD

chapter278, [SORA][SORA Network] Go to the master branch!

Now that we have been under control of the development process, we will move to the master branch, which is premised on ...