AI-NFT 公開鍵は32バイトでX座標のみ、そして署名は64バイトの固定長になってました。 schnorr署名の検証作業、順調で、本日完了の見通しです。実際のロジックをOpenSSL等で実際に組んでみて、その署名までの流れをみております。 公開鍵は32バイトでX座標のみ、そして署名は64バイトの固定長になってました。そこでちょっと... 2024.05.28 AI-NFTAIデータ復旧サービスについてBLOCKCHAINBlockchain and sha256SORA chapterSORA-QAI
AI-NFT The image today shows a wallet utilizing Quantum & AI-resistant transactions as observed from an old node The image today shows a wallet utilizing Quantum & AI-resistant transactions as observed from an old node. The top is th... 2024.04.09 AI-NFTBLOCKCHAINBlockchain and sha256EnglishSORA chapter
AI-NFT We are now at the final stage of the consistency check for the final check We are now at the final stage of the consistency check for the final check. We have adopted a soft fork, so it is crucia... 2024.04.09 AI-NFTBLOCKCHAINBlockchain and sha256EnglishSORA chapterSorachanCoin DEV INFO
AI-NFT On the mainnet, we successfully achieved Quantum & AI resistance On the mainnet, we successfully achieved Quantum & AI resistance. We sent coins using ECDSA and then converted them into... 2024.04.09 AI-NFTBLOCKCHAINBlockchain and sha256EnglishSORA chapter
AI-NFT It involves recording hashes in the blockchain’s stack structure and incorporating a small file system into the transaction. This will be implemented on SORA L1 Quantum & AI resistance will soon be validated and released. Then, we are also gradually proceeding with the verificatio... 2024.04.09 AI-NFTBLOCKCHAINBlockchain and sha256EnglishSORA chapter
AI-NFT 画像をご覧ください。残高表示は「ECDSA合計」と「量子およびAI耐性合計」に分かれています。 画像をご覧ください。残高表示は「ECDSA合計」と「量子およびAI耐性合計」に分かれています。sora1で始まる新しいアドレスが増えており、Sで始まる従来のアドレスと組み合わせて使用することができます。さらに、sora1で始まるアドレスに送... 2024.03.27 AI-NFTAIデータ復旧サービスについてBLOCKCHAINBlockchain and sha256SORA chapterデータ復旧ソフト - FromHDDtoSSD
AI-NFT We are examining the transaction contents on the SORA L1 testnet. In the scriptSig, besides ECDSA, we can confirm the presence of a signature that is resistant to quantum and AI We are examining the transaction contents on the SORA L1 testnet. In the scriptSig, besides ECDSA, we can confirm the pr... 2024.03.27 AI-NFTBLOCKCHAINBlockchain and sha256EnglishSORA chapterSORA Neural Network
AI-NFT Well, the quantum & AI-resistant transactions are going smoothly Well, the quantum & AI-resistant transactions are going smoothly, and we will release to the mainnet as soon as staking ... 2024.03.27 AI-NFTBLOCKCHAINBlockchain and sha256EnglishSORA chapter
AI-NFT We’re making rapid progress in implementing quantum & AI resistance We're making rapid progress in implementing quantum & AI resistance.The structure for scriptPubKey has been decided. By ... 2024.03.27 AI-NFTBLOCKCHAINBlockchain and sha256EnglishSORA chapter
AI-NFT The following three crucial keys will soon be in place The following three crucial keys will soon be in place. We have a bad habit of implementing them before summarizing them... 2024.03.27 AI-NFTBLOCKCHAINBlockchain and sha256EnglishSORA chapter
AI-NFT Regarding the mining pool matter, it was best that the operational verification was OK Regarding the mining pool matter, it was best that the operational verification was OK. The old implementation that acce... 2024.03.27 AI-NFTBLOCKCHAINBlockchain and sha256EnglishSORA chapter
AI-NFT SORA L2(FromHDDtoSSD)のダウンロード数が著しく増加しています SORA L2(FromHDDtoSSD)のダウンロード数が著しく増加しています。ありがとうございます。SORA L2(FromHDDtoSSD)のダウンロード数が著しく増加しています。勢いが違うことが明らかです。その理由は、おそらく#So... 2024.02.25 AI-NFTBLOCKCHAINBlockchain and sha256Web3.0 AIデータ復旧データ復旧ソフト - FromHDDtoSSD
AI-NFT We have confirmed the operation after the mining pool adjustment We have confirmed the operation after the mining pool adjustment. The coins that were not sent during the adjustment pro... 2024.02.17 AI-NFTBLOCKCHAINBlockchain and sha256EnglishSORA chapterSORA Neural Network
AI-NFT Regarding the mining pool matter, it’s going smoothly Regarding the mining pool matter, it's going smoothly. And now, we will finally migrate the statistical data, which had ... 2024.02.17 AI-NFTAI-NFT Web3.0 FromHDDtoSSDBLOCKCHAINBlockchain and sha256EnglishSORA chapter
AI-NFT This time, let’s look at how to differentiate between locality keys and non-locality keys This time, let's look at how to differentiate between locality keys and non-locality keys.- Locality key With getkeyenta... 2024.02.10 AI-NFTAI-NFT Web3.0 FromHDDtoSSDBLOCKCHAINBlockchain and sha256EnglishSORA chapter