Today, I’m excited to introduce the “SORA L2 Statistical Scan” feature, which allows for a detailed inspection of SSDs using blockchain technology in a single pass.

Today, I’m excited to introduce the “SORA L2 Statistical Scan” feature, which allows for a detailed inspection of SSDs using blockchain technology in a single pass.

Firstly, Recently SSDs are becoming more affordable and offering higher capacities. Many have already switched from HDDs to SSDs for storing large files, such as videos. Terabyte-level SSDs are now available at prices comparable to those of HDDs.

However, SSDs can suffer from sudden failures that make all data inaccessible in an instant, such as:

– rapid decline in read capability, leading to inaccessibility

While HDDs can also experience similar issues, the decline tends to be more gradual, allowing some time to salvage data. In contrast, SSDs can become unreadable suddenly, leading to data loss.

This is where the SORA L2 Statistical Scan comes in. It’s developed to catch such “slight signs” of failure through blockchain technology, identifying changes that inspection software designed for HDDs might miss. It aims to provide early warnings of SSD degradation.

The transition from HDDs to SSDs is undoubtedly accelerating. However, inspection software has yet to catch up. Traditional tools that only check for good or bad sectors are insufficient for detecting signs of SSD failure.

Drive failures can lead to significant data loss, causing both mental and physical strain. It’s best to replace drives before they fail, based on preemptive inspections.

There’s still a significant need for more nodes to support the inspection of SSDs worldwide. The number of devices is vast. We plan to steadily increase the number of nodes and support SSD inspections through the SORA blockchain.
As the number of devices grows, we will transition to recording only the statistical hashes on the blockchain, leveraging the characteristics of sidechains (L2).

This concept is similar to the redeemScript. By doing so, we hope to contribute to the foundation that allows the blockchain to process a large volume of statistics.