復旧不定期日誌349, We will fix CriticalSections that classified according to the RPC processing issued by the mining pool

We will fix CriticalSections that classified according to the RPC processing issued by the mining pool.
※ Ultimately, CriticalSection is expected to be narrowed down to one.

As for this processing part, FIXME was attached, and it was operating abnormally with PoMP of NOMP.

This time, YiiMP PoW had a problem, so I decided to
go back to the original CriticalSection and see what it was.
However, if it is this, it will not work with NOMP.
Therefore, it will be divided by the macro of the compiler.

As an improvement method,
I think that this RPC itself will be like this as Windows PostMessage,
so that it will be issued one by one after being accumulated.
※ The current situation is similar to SendMessage that some of them do not work.

In addition, if this improvement is implemented,
all RPCs will be affected, so I think that it will be released after testing with testnet.
