Now, let’s today take a look at another feature implemented in the SORA L2 Blockchain, the AI-NFT

Now, let’s today take a look at another feature implemented in the SORA L2 Blockchain, the AI-NFT.

Firstly, it is possible to create tokens on the SORA Blockchain with simple operations. Then, by overlaying roles (functions) onto the created tokens via transactions, you can create tokens that meet your objectives. A relatable image would be that of a pizza. A plain, round dough with nothing on it represents the base AI-NFT that you create first. Then, the process of adding toppings to it corresponds to layering additional AI-NFTs on top. Even if the dough is the same, the pizza can vary in taste and texture depending on the toppings, right? Of course, you can also change the dough, which is akin to varying the thickness of the pizza.

Here, we start with the plain AI-NFT, which has the following features:

– Setting the name of the AI-NFT
– Quantity (the maximum number of that AI-NFT that can be issued)
– Signing and verification (verification by SORA and multi-signature verification using quantum-resistant keys)
– Quantity movement (movement of tokens)

Since this is the dough, nothing is on it yet. However, it possesses all the basic functionalities of a token. Moreover, utilizing transactions means that SORA is required for each operation on the token. There is also a maximum issuance limit, a crucial concept in traditional blockchain. The number of these AI-NFTs cannot be increased mid-way.
The signing and verification are already set to SORA and multi-signature with quantum-resistant keys. AI-NFT takes advantage of the flexible L2 benefits for its development, incorporating experimental elements and quantum-resistant keys from the beginning.

The concept of layering is quite important here. You can create AI-NFTs that align with your objectives by assembling them little by little. While it would be challenging to prepare a detailed blueprint and meticulously build from the start, constructing step by step according to the application is much easier by comparison. This is where the concept of layering comes into play.
