Today, let’s explore the interaction between AI-NFTs and AI that has already been implemented in SORA L2.

Today, let’s explore the interaction between AI-NFTs and AI that has already been implemented in SORA L2.

First, let’s pose the following question to the AI:
A person who can always produce a “hit” independently tries a lottery with a 50% winning chance three times. What is the probability of hitting all three times?

The AI honestly calculates the probability and provides an answer. However, is that answer correct? No, it’s not. The correct answer to this question is “100 percent”.

This is because the trials are conducted by a person who can always produce a “hit”. The reason this person can always get a hit is that they implicitly possess information that ensures they always will. At this point, we load the information onto the AI-NFT that “this question is a simplified model of zero-knowledge proof,” and a consensus is reached on SORA blockchain. Subsequently, the number of supporters increases, and so does the counter (vote count) installed on the AI-NFT.

Then, after referencing this AI-NFT, the same question is asked to the AI again. This time, the AI increases its accuracy and responds with “100 percent”. great

This is a very simple example, but blockchain is very useful in pursuing the accuracy of AI. This is because the consensus on the accuracy of AI must always be “decentralized”.


Both SORA L1 and L2 support staking. Transfer your SORA to your wallet and unlock it. After that, simply leave it, and your SORA will gradually increase.
