The Role of Random Number Generators in Cryptocurrency Security

About coins, tokens, NFTs

In the realm of cryptocurrency, the issues surrounding random number generators are of paramount importance. If a random number generator is not secure, the security surrounding the storage of cryptocurrencies also becomes vulnerable.

So, how exactly are cryptocurrencies stored? First and foremost, it’s essential to understand the concept of a simple closed curve composed of non-negative integers. A simple closed curve refers to curves, like circles or ellipses, that do not intersect with themselves. By performing addition operations using modular arithmetic from a specific base point on this curve, one can always identify a point located on the same curve. This “number of times added from the base point” serves as our private key.

What’s crucial to note is that this “number of times added from the base point” — our private key — is extremely sensitive information. If this information is leaked externally, the security of the cryptocurrency is compromised. Should a hacker illicitly access a wallet and implant a mechanism to make this number guessable, it creates a risk where the cryptocurrency within the wallet can be easily stolen.

Thus, ensuring the security of random number generators forms the bedrock of maintaining the safety of cryptocurrencies.
