English chapter102, supported latest boost! We supported latest boost. And, we have been replacing from boost to std as much. thanks. 2020.04.26 EnglishSORA Neural Network
English chapter98, We enabled connecting seed for testnet. Previous version was necessary adding addnode to testnet. But, latest version is no necessary. We will be added seed to ... 2020.04.22 EnglishSORA Neural Network
AI-NFT Web3.0 FromHDDtoSSD chapter97, We are developing a light-version wallet. Finally, we combine to benchmark function of drives with blockchain. The then, MSVC-version will be released a light-GUI... 2020.04.21 AI-NFT Web3.0 FromHDDtoSSDBLOCKCHAINEnglishSORA Neural Network
English chapter91, Recently, It has been cold for days. We are under development on track now a days. Because, we prefer cool to warm. 2020.04.15 EnglishSORA Neural Network
English chapter90, byteorder We will implement "byte order" to serialize. 2020.04.14 EnglishSORA Neural Network
English chapter89, We concentrate developing both SorachanCoin and FromHDDtoSSD now. In any case, we are building blockchain for predicting a drives failure. At first, we will release on Github in developm... 2020.04.13 EnglishSORA Neural Network
SORA Neural Network chapter88, About class CDataStream "class CDataStream" is different to effect either having to buffer as constructor or copied by stream operator (<< or >>... 2020.04.12 SORA Neural Network
English chapter78, bot and wallet The improvement of the discord bot is going well, so we want to add something new to the wallet. 2020.04.02 EnglishSORA Neural Network
English chapter77, We consider new bot in calico cat icon. We consider new bot in calico cat icon. You will roll a dice from three times to getting the eyes 4, 5, 6 in order. In t... 2020.04.01 EnglishSORA Neural Network
English chapter76, go for it We do my best at stay home as much as possible. 2020.03.31 EnglishSORA Neural Network
BLOCKCHAIN chapter75, 300,000ブロック いつもお世話になっております。300,000ブロック達成の件、誠にありがとうございます。今後とも、なにとぞよろしくお願いいたします。 2020.03.30 BLOCKCHAINSORA Neural Network
English chapter68, We are implementing independent message pump. The loop with implemented current message is ambiguous that is under control to the std::vector with message pool. And t... 2020.03.23 EnglishSORA Neural Network
English chapter66, Although there drop markets, the price of bitcoin is going up! Supposing there will complete buying dollar for a investors, Yen will be bought to next stage. However the price of bitc... 2020.03.21 EnglishSORA Neural Network
English chapter64, Improved message handling We will improve the calling part of the message, which performs the processing of the wallet. There are many object copy... 2020.03.19 EnglishSORA Neural Network
BLOCKCHAIN chapter63, We stay a long at home and do our best! When infected with the coronavirus, the time of treatment is also an issue. Anyway, we work hard to prevent and act to m... 2020.03.18 BLOCKCHAINEnglishSORA Neural Network