
SORA Neural Network

chapter154, テクニカルサポートをDiscordに完全移行いたしました.


chapter153, We will expand the database memory from 25MB to 64MB.

We will expand the database memory from 25MB to 64MB.In case of server mode, please add the below option to start. And, ...

chapter152, About dbcache

We are under development(expansion) to DB (BDB).At this time, the default cache size may be increased due to this expans...

chapter151, Fixed some parts of testnet HF.

Due to some code modifications, the HF's position became to block-height 1103301. Sorry.○ Proof of block-height 1103301 ...
SORA Neural Network

chapter150, testnetのHFに成功いたしました.

いつもお世話になっております。 stay homeで出来たハッシュに乗り換えて、無事、1100001(testnet)で分岐いたしました。分岐後は完全に分かれて動作している点も確認できました。 stay home中の時間を無駄にせず、しっか...

chapter149, [Completion!] testnet hard-fork new hash to replace.

testnet hard-fork(Product) was successful. It will be replaced by a new long hash. In a few days, we will update Github....
AI-NFT Web3.0 FromHDDtoSSD

chapter148, 正式ご発注前のドライブ開封が相次いだため、今月15日より、作業報告書のご確認を「厳格化」いたします.

いつもお世話になっております。 先月、まだ復旧業者へ正式に発注されていないにも関わらず(お見積もりが高額でキャンセルされたにも関わらず)、依頼されたドライブが開封されてしまうという事例が、三例も出てしまいました。 緊急事態宣言が出ておりまし...

chapter147, We received a reply from CMC that it has been being processed.

We received a reply from CMC that it has been being processed.In addition, there was no reply at last time … so this tim...

chapter146, Official pool current hash

We attached a hash monitor for the official pools.
SORA Neural Network

chapter145, 日本語版、復帰いたしました。

いつもお世話になっております。メンテナンスにて6月5日18時より一時休止しておりました、日本語版の公式サイトについて、本日、復帰いたしました。※ php系のアクセスが多かったため、すべて弾くように設定いたしました。https://秋葉.jp...

chapter144, We intend to aim to blockchain with database.

By the way ... How do you exactly confirm the data on database?

chapter143, We prepared a block explorer for new hash testnet.

We prepared a block explorer for new hash testnet. thanks!

chapter142, We will do web maintenance to replace the SSL certificate from JPRS to COMODO. (No affect to Blockchain. to relief.)

We will do web maintenance to replace the SSL certificate from JPRS to COMODO. There are the URLs below.////////////////...

chapter141, thank you for your visit.

Our project has been started since about 2 years, and we are looking forward to your continued support.TRBO Coin:1MT Pro...

chapter140, testnet HF new hash to replace

testnet's hard-fork(localnet) was successful. It will be replaced by a new long hash. In a few days, we will update Gith...